Studies on Mechatronics

The Autonomous Systems Lab is pleased to offer Studies on Mechatronics in its large field of research in mobile robotics and intelligent systems. The Studies on Mechatronics are specified on an individual basis through a discussion between the student and the supervisor(s) at ASL. Ideally you select your Studies on Mechatronics as preparation for your Bachelor project.

Please select your field of interest by browsing through our list of student and research projects. You may then directly contact the ASL collaborators that are in charge of the projects of interest for a general discussion about a potential Studies on Mechatronics project.

Important information about the Studies on Mechatronics:

Bachelor Focus: Mechatronics

Credit points: 5

Semester: 5th or 6th semester

Prerequisite: None

Course material: Scientific articles, papers

Achievement control: Quality of the work (60%), Quality of the report (20%), Oral presentation (20%)

Language: English (preferred) / Deutsch


A „Studies on Mechatronics” project is aimed at teaching students how to perform independent research as well as learn more about a focus area that interests them. The students work independently on a study on a selected topics in the field of mobile robotics and intelligent systems. They start with a selection of scientific papers to continue literature research. The results (e.g. state-of-the-art, methods) are evaluated with respect to predefined criteria. Then the results are presented in an oral presentation and summarized in a report.

Student Tasks

Students are required to identify a minimum around 5-6 pertinent articles (books, journals, conference proceedings, etc.) in the literature in consultation with their supervisor(s). These articles pertain to various topics in mobile robotics and intelligent systems and should represent the core knowledge of the area. The student will then independently study, analyze and evaluate the state-of-the-art in the selected field. Typically the study should result in clear suggestions on the best avenues and approaches in the selected field. The supervisor will meet with the student at least every 2nd week. Start and end of the studies are flexible. They have to be agreed on at the beginning of the project with the supervisors. The study project ends with a 15 minute oral presentation and the submission of the final report. If the Studies on Mechatronics is integrated with the Bachelor project (which is strongly recommended), the final presentation can also be together with the final project of the Bachelor project. In this case, the time for the oral presentation is 10 minutes, followed by a 20 minutes presentation/discussion on the Bachelor project. The written report should follow the format of a representative review journal or conference article.

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